What is the Salary of an AI Expert in the Asia Pacific Region?

What is the Salary of an AI Expert in the Asia Pacific Region?
What is the Salary of an AI Expert in the Asia Pacific Region

Have you been intrigued by the field of Artificial Intelligence?.

Did you ever wonder about exploring a career in AI?

What do you think makes an AI career, a lucrative opportunity?

This article throws light on the job roles in AI and their salaries.

Artificial Intelligence has been arousing a good amount of curiosity among young and old alike. One of the reasons that can be attributed to this, is the growing functional possibilities of AI across domains. The truth that AI has become ubiquitous in industries such as Marketing and Retail, Banking and Finance, Healthcare, Education can be instrumental in creating more AI jobs in the future.

According to reports AI and Machine Learning jobs are expected to grow to the extent of USD 31 billion by 2024.

Job roles in Artificial Intelligence

The applications of Artificial Intelligence in the real world requires employing different skills such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing. Every job in AI involves the application of the mentioned skills in varying degrees, this has resulted in different job roles in AI. Some of the AI job roles include the following:-

Machine Learning Engineer


  • To design machine learning models.
  • Training machine learning models.
  • Design ML-driven applications
  • Work on ML algorithms
  • Assessment of the performance of the ML models
  • Identifying the data to be trained

Data Analyst


  • Collection of data
  • Analysing the data using statistical techniques
  • Devise new strategies to be followed in the data analysis process
  • Identify the trends in the data and arriving at conclusions
  • Identifying the areas for bringing in process improvements
  • Preparing reports to be presented to the concerned stakeholders

Research Scientist


  • Analysis of data
  • Preparing research papers
  • Making research reports
  • Communicating the research findings to the concerned authorities

AI Engineer


  • Building AI models.
  • Practical implementation of the AI models
  • Working on AI algorithms
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Developing AI infrastructure
  • Performing Data Analysis

AI Expert


  • Identifying the challenges within the organisation and making efforts to incorporate the possibilities of AI to quell those challenges.
  • Coordinating with various departments and identifying the areas where AI can be infused to drive business benefits.
  • Working with the project teams and giving them feedback on the possible improvements that can be done.

Skills of an AI Expert

Some of the skills of an AI Expert include:-

  • Analytical Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Algorithms
  • Machine Learning Algorithms

Salary of an AI Expert in Asia Pacific Region


According to the reports by HR Asia, 74% of Malaysian employees believe that AI can increase their work efficiency. 72% of them opine that Artificial intelligence will be instrumental in simplifying their jobs and making it easier than before. The population of Malaysia are more bullish over the future possibilities and benefits AI can manifest, than APAC taken on an average.

There is a growing demand for AI jobs in Malaysia. Some of the AI roles that are being hired in Malaysia include AI Specialist, AI Engineer. The salary reports by payscale show the average salary of an Artificial Intelligence Expert to be RM 170000. According to the salary reports by indeed.com, the average salary of an AI Expert in Malaysia is RM 104,223.

An artificial intelligence course in Malaysia helps to learn and build the required skills required to become an AI professional.


Singapore is known for its tourist attractions and one of the most preferred destinations among travel enthusiasts. It is looking up to Artificial Intelligence as a saviour to improve its tourism, which contributes only to the tune of 4% to the whole economy. Reports show that the percentage of tourists visiting the city dropped by 76% between January and July last year. Singapore based startups such as Travelstop and Vouch are working towards implementing their AI-powered solutions to help the tourism industry. For instance, Vouch is employing its AI-enabled technologies to help the hospitality industry to provide better services to their customers.

Singapore is significantly contributing to creating jobs in AI. Some of the companies providing AI jobs in Singapore include AntWorks, Tuple Technologies, Active.AI. According to Glassdoor the average salary of an AI Expert in Singapore is S$ 58000 p.a. As per the reports by payscale, the average salary of an AI Expert in Singapore is S$ 93,287. According to Salary Explorer, the average salary of an AI Expert in Singapore is S$108,000 p.a.

An AI Expert course in Singapore helps to learn and build the required skills required to become an AI professional.


India is no exception when it comes to implementing AI to achieve growth. According to the reports published by PWC, 71% of the Indian population believe that AI will help in solving real-world complexities and lead a happy life, while 58% – 74% of them are of the opinion that AI will bring economic growth, by aiding significantly in fields like cybersecurity and global health.

As per Glassdoor, the salary of an Artificial Intelligence Expert in India is INR 22,70000 p.a. The data by Payscale shows the salary of an AI Expert as INR 1600000. According to the reports by Indeed.com, the average salary of a data scientist is INR 7,92,42.

There are many opportunities for learning an Artificial Intelligence Course in India. All the efforts in learning AI will put you on the trajectory of becoming an AI Expert.

Sri Lanka

The IT industry is expected to grow up to USD 5 billion by 2022. According to the study conducted by the Sri Lanka Association for Software and Services, AI-driven technologies are found to be making a significant economic impact when compared to traditional approaches.

Data Scientists are offered well in Sri Lanka. The payscale reports show the salary of an AI Expert to be 14,40,000 LKR. According to Salary Explorer, the average salary of an AI Expert in Sri Lanka is 113000 LKR. As per Glassdoor.com, the average salary of an AI Expert in Sri Lanka is 4,60,000 LKR per annum.


Hongkong has witnessed the potential of AI in many ways. For instance, it is using AI-driven technologies for crowd counting. The results are found to be precise, as computers are employed to perform the activity. The Government of Hongkong has made investments to the tune of HK$ 100 billion in various technologies, including AI. The salary of an AI Expert as per Payscale is HK$ 371,127 and Glassdoor shows the average salary as HK$ 8,40000 p.a. According to Salary Expert, the average salary of an AI Expert in Hongkong is HK $ 694,693

You get a wide option of Artificial Intelligence Expert Courses in Hongkong, all of them are helpful in building the right AI skills.


According to the prediction made by the Bangkok Post, the current impact of AI in Thailand provides a testimonial on the bullish future in AI. One of the challenges in Thailand is found to be that the majority of the workers belong to the low and mid-level worker, as a result, most of their jobs are going to be automated. However, AI and Data Science will be instrumental in creating new jobs. Further, AI in Thailand is expected to bring innovation across sectors.

If you are to look at the salary structure, then the reports on Salary Explorer shows the average salary of an AI Expert to be 97,300 THB in a year.


Bhutan is no exception when it comes to deploying AI technologies. AI is being used in banking for fraud detection. As a result, there are plenty of career opportunities in Bhutan for Artificial Intelligence. According to Salaryexplorer the average salary of an AI Expert in Bhutan is 33000 BTN.


Artificial Intelligence has influenced industries in Nepal to a large extent.
According to Salaryexplorer the average salary of an AI Expert in Nepal is 81,100 NPR. Reports show that almost 100% earns 132,000 NPR, 75% earn 113,000 NPR.


The COVID-19 pandemic saw the young population of Myanmar, getting upskilled in Computer Science and AI-related domains.
The salary of an AI Expert in Myanmar is 547,000 MMK. According to Glassdoor, the salary of an Artificial Intelligence Expert is $110,000. Salary Explorer shows the annual salary of an Artificial Intelligence Expert as 547000 MMK.


The Artificial Intelligence companies in Pakistan include CodesOrbit, Code Junkie, Origami Studios, Sremco Tech, Xeven Solutions and many others. According to Salary Explorer, the average salary of an Artificial Intelligence Expert is Rs 628,970. The reports in Salary Explorer shows the average salary of an Artificial Intelligence Expert as 82,100 PKR.


AI is undoubtedly going to be instrumental in creating better jobs in the future. Therefore, it is a need to upskill more professionals in the domain and build a competent workforce that can fill up the future requirements created by AI.

If you are looking to pursue a course in Artificial Intelligence, DataMites is here to help you. DataMites offers AI Expert and AI Engineer courses, accredited by globally recognised certification board IABAC.