What Is Data Science And Why Now?

“The sexiest job of the 21st Century” is attracting more and more people to dive into it. If you are one of the professionals interested to know about the Data Scientist Job and would love to get your foot in the door then knowing about “What Data Science is and why is it of big hype now?” would help you with a clear start.
What is Data Science?
Analyzing the massive amount of Data using automated methods to drive at the knowledge that will be of great benefit for an organization is called Data Science.
Why is it of big hype now?
Business today are accumulating more and more data which exceed their capacity to extract value from them. Virtually, every organisation now has access to piles of data that are even unimaginable even a decade ago. The biggest threat faced by them is “how to use the data effectively?”. This threat is compelling them to look for Data science professionals to handle their big data to drive social and economic value for the organisation. With the significant rise in demand for data savvy professionals, the sad truth is that the supply of efficient professionals who can work with data is scarce. In fact, a recent study conducted by McKinsey Global Institute concludes that there will be four to five million jobs in the U.S. demanding data analysts by 2018. Hence, the mirror of this reflection is seen in opportunities for Data Scientist skyrocketed and lucrative packages are being offered to Data engineers, statisticians, Data Analysts and Data Scientist.
When you choose a globally accredited institute such as Datamites™, you will be harnessed with deep analytical and technical knowledge which will help you to analyse big data effectively and bag your dream job easily.
Key skills required for a Data Scientist:
It would be apt if I quote as follows “Data Scientist needs to be better at statistics than a software engineer and better at software engineering than a statistician”. They need to work on enormous amounts of messy data that includes both structured and unstructured to cover the unhidden solutions to the business challenges.
Data Scientist may be required to have
1) Software skills: A strong software engineering background is required for a Data scientist. Especially, if you are a budding data scientist then the software skills can help you to handle the data logging works easily.
2) Tools knowledge: Having knowledge of a Statistical programming language like R, Python, etc and acquiring the knowledge of how to use the tools is really important.
3) Statistics Knowledge: Statistics knowledge is definitely a must for a Data Scientist. Statistics is an important element for all companies, especially for data-driven companies, where they need a Data scientist to make critical decisions.
4) Machine Learning: Machine learning methods should definitely be familiar to a Data Scientist. A large company or a company with a data driven product gives first preference to Data Scientist familiar with the Machine learning buzzwords such as random forest, neural network, etc. For Machine Learning Training Details: https://datamites.com/machine-learning-course-training-bangalore/
5) Tableau: Visualising and communicating is really vital for a Data scientist. Tableau is a data visualization tool that helps a Data Scientist to represent complex information in the most easily understandable pictorial way. For Tableau Training Details: https://datamites.com/tableau-course-training-bangalore/
6) Ability to work on Unstructured and Structured Data: Data scientists need to know how to work on unstructured as well as structured data to derive at useful insights for the company. Be it of any form, they should have the ability to juggle the data by using your math, statistics and programming skills to uncover hidden business solutions.
Generally, Data Scientist work with a team of Data Science professionals specialized in various aspect of Data Science from formulating hypothesis/ business questions, collecting data from various sources to building Data Science models and presenting them to senior management/ decision makers. Details about it in another article “Data Science Team”. If you are one man team, you must have a deep understanding of all the skills mentioned above in the article to successfully execute the Data Science projects.
DataMites™ has dedicated team for mentoring aspiring Data Scientist and can be reached at 1800-313-3434
For more details about training please visit: https://datamites.com/data-science-course-training-bangalore/