What is the Salary of an AI Expert in Oceania?

What is the Salary of an AI Expert in Oceania?
What is the Salary of an AI Expert in Oceania

What is your idea of AI?

Is AI in demand in Oceania countries?

What are the salaries of an AI Expert in countries in Oceania?

Artificial Intelligence has become a big name, showing its influences across the world. Giving industries across sectors the opportunities to grow and expand themselves, AI is helping them to fight the complexities of the modern world. It is boosting the power of industries to use data to their advantage. AI will also hugely contribute the global economic growth. According to PWC, AI is expected to add value to the extent of $ 15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Some of the industries which are witnessing huge transformation due to AI include:-

  • Automotive
  • Bio-Science
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Healthcare

Technologies that are driven AI in them

Some of the technologies which have AI in them include the following:-

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the technology that helps computers to learn on their own, without being programmed externally. With the help of the existing data, computers can predict the behaviour and patterns and the results without being influenced by a human element.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is the phenomena that help computers to communicate with each other. It helps in the analysis and interpretation of a large set of data. It helps in studying and understanding the languages of humans, and derive value from the output.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision is a technology, driven by Artificial Intelligence that helps computers to see and interpret data. This technology is the base for the technologies of facial recognition. Computers are used to view and classify objects.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) involves configuring the systems, or robots and incorporate human potential into them, which helps in interaction with other machines, for the eventual execution of the process.

Salary of an AI Expert in Oceania

The average salary of an AI Expert in different Oceania countries are given below:-

Data Scientist Salary in Australia

According to Indeed.com, the average salary of an AI Expert in Australia is AU$ 98,031. The Salary Expert data shows the average salary of an AI Expert as AU$ 42,593 p.a. The salary figures obtained are based on the salary reports submitted by AI professionals. The Salary Explorer data shows the average salary as AU$ 1,11000 per year.

Does the above salary figures arouse interest in you to explore AI Courses in Australia?.

Data Scientist Salary in New Zealand

According to Glassdoor.com, the average salary of an AI Expert in Newzealand is NZ$ 1,01,031. The Payscale reports show the average salary as NZ$ 74569 per year. According to Jobted, the average salary of a Data Scientist in Newzealand is NZ$ 86,344 per year.
Looking at the above salary information, have you made up your mind to pursue an AI Expert Course in New Zealand?.

Data Scientist Salary in Fiji

According to Salary Explorer, the average salary of an AI Expert in Fiji is 67,700 FJD per year. The maximum salary of an AI Expert is 8980 FJD per year. A majority of AI professionals are found to draw the same salary per month.

Data Scientist Salary in Indonesia

According to Salary Explorer, the average salary of a Data Scientist in Indonesia is 15,5,00,000 IDR per year.

Data Scientist Salary in Tonga

According to Salary Explorer, the average salary of an AI Expert in Tonga is 17,300 TOP per annum.


If you are an AI enthusiast, then you have plenty of opportunities to tap on, in the domain. As a first step, you should enrol yourselves in a good institute. DataMites offers a comprehensive artificial intelligence Expert courseDatamites affiliated from IABAC (International Association of Business Analytics Certification).