Why Is Data Science An Interesting Career?

We all definitely know that Data Science is rapidly evolving as a Hot Career but “will it be an interesting career?”. As Data Science enthusiasts, we will say yes but don’t take our word instead listen to what Data Scientists say on this. We have contacted many Data Science professionals who have completed training with us and are working in this field to know “why they are so much excited about their Data Science career?”. To our surprise, we have got so many interesting answers that we gladly share with you now.
- No more guesses: Data Science allows the professionals to make decisions based on figures but not on guesses. Think, your gut may say one thing today and might get changed tomorrow but the figures that you derive at after a long research will help you to make informed decisions and, that is what is needed for today’s Business economy.
- Exciting career: It is not the same routine tasks that you will be doing round the clock and every day. Unlike a few years ago, where data analysis was not all that interesting and was done using standard methods that are laborious in nature. Better tools have emerged in analyzing big data hence it is no more a pain but has flipped to be an exciting job.
- Your curiosity is satisfied: Data Scientists need to swim through the large data to find meaningful insights which satisfy their curiosity. Be whatever industry it might be finance, retail, or e-commerce, it is this curiosity that will make you explore the data world but will never leave you to surface without satisfying the curiosity.
- Makes them feel Powerful: When your work is evolving and when you envision that there is a large part of Data science work that is expected in future it will give you a feel of being powerful. With the growing amount of data and new tools to analyze them, it is rewarding to use your knowledge to efficiently working on them.
- Not restricted to single industry or domain: Data Science is not applied to a particular domain instead is used across various verticals such as travel, Finance, Health, automotive, etc. When they switch their jobs, they don’t need to stick to one particular domain instead get an opportunity to work across different domains which are quite interesting, isn’t it?
- Mysteries to unknot: Data Scientists are more like a detective solving a mysterious case. They need to dive into a new field and try to understand how it works, work on humongous volumes of data until they gain insights, then acquire all the knowledge of that field without being a specialist. Data Scientists will be interacting with all type of employees from a base level worker to a CEO of the company to gain an implicit knowledge in order to crack the big data.
- To be on the Cutting edge: Data Science is the future and is the only way to work on big data efficiently, replicability, and get useful insights. There are lot more cutting-edge tools and technologies that are available to flexibly exploit the big chunk of raw resources in order to produce better results. Ultimately, Data Scientists say that it is better to stay on the cutting edge than left behind.
After going through the above opinions of Data Science professionals, you can guess that being lucrative in nature with $123,000 median base salary is not all that makes the Data Science the hottest career choice but the satisfaction that it gives to those creative minds is what makes it most popular. In the latest Glassdoor report, it has reveled that Data science jobs have achieved a high satisfaction with a score of 4.4 out of 5.
With the pool of data science job opportunities available now, it is the best time to take up a Data Science course from an Institute that is accredited by International Association of Business Analytics Certification (IABAC™) to boost your skill set so that your resume will beat the bot.
Datamites™ Institute is accredited by International Association of Business Analytics Certification (IABAC™) providing training on various skills associated with Data Science through convenient modes. By understanding the huge demand for qualified Data Science professionals, we, Datamites™ have come up with various Data Science training programs that are perfectly structured to meet this demand.
So, it is time to explore your new world with a strong Data Science foundation from Datamites™. Kindly visit https://datamites.com/ for more details regarding the Data Science course schedule, price, etc.