Phyton Course Features



Live Virtual

Instructor Led Live Online


  • DMC Certification
  • 4-Month | 400 Learning Hours
  • 20-Hour Live Online Training
  • 10 Capstone & 1 Client Project
  • 365 Days Flexi Pass + Cloud Lab
  • Internship + Job Assistance

Blended Learning

Self Learning + Live Mentoring


  • Self Learning + Live Mentoring
  • DMC Certification
  • 1 Year Access To Elearning
  • 10 Capstone & 1 Client Project
  • Job Assistance
  • 24*7 Learner assistance and support


In - Person Classroom Training


  • DMC Certification
  • 4-Month | 400 Learning Hours
  • 60-Hour Classroom Sessions
  • 10 Capstone & 1 Client Project
  • Cloud Lab Access
  • Internship + Job Assistance


Enquire Now



The entire training includes real-world projects and highly valuable case studies.

IABAC® certification provides global recognition of the relevant skills, thereby opening opportunities across the world.

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Why DataMites Infographic


• Introduction of python
• Installation of Python and IDE
• Python objects
• Python basic data types
• Number & Booleans, strings
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparison Operators
• Assignment Operators
• Operator’s precedence and associativity

• IF Conditional statement
• Python Loops basics
• WHILE Statement
• FOR statements
• BREAK and CONTINUE statements

• Basic data structure in python
• String object basics and inbuilt methods
• List: Object, methods, comprehensions
• Tuple: Object, methods, comprehensions
• Sets: Object, methods, comprehensions
• Dictionary: Object, methods, comprehensions

• Functions basics
• Function Parameter passing
• Iterators
• Generator functions
• Lambda functions
• Map, reduce, filter functions

• NumPy Introduction
• Array – Data Structure
• Core Numpy functions
• Matrix Operations

• Pandas functions
• Data Frame and Series – Data Structure
• Data munging with Pandas
• Imputation and outlier analysis

• Oops basic concepts.
• Creating classes
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism
• Encapsulation and Abstraction
• Decorator
• Class methods and static methods
• Special (magic/dunder) methods
• Property decorators - getters, setters, and deletes

• Working with files
• Reading and writing files
• Buffered read and write
• Other file methods
• Logging & Debugger
• Modules and import statements

• Exceptions handling with try-except
• Custom exception handling
• List of general use exception
• Best practice exception handling

• What is web API
• Difference b/w API and web API
• Rest and soap architecture
• Restful services

• Introduction to Flask
• Flask application
• Open link flask
• App routing flask
• URL building flask
• Http methods flask
• Templates flask

• Setting up Project Environment and folders
• Working with Git Repository
• Requirements and Project Documents
• Hands-on Python Project coding
• Deploying the Application




Python course in Hyderabad offers a significant opportunity, as the city's robust IT sector highly values this skill. With numerous tech companies and startups, learning Python in Hyderabad can open doors to diverse and promising career paths in technology. A survey reveals that Python in India holds a 56% share in the data science and machine learning sectors.

In response to this demand, DataMites delivers interactive, Classroom Python training in Hyderabad. The curriculum includes both internship experiences and employment support, intending to nurture a generation of proficient Python developers.

DataMites, a renowned educational institute, provides a detailed four-month Python training in Hyderabad. This in-depth course encompasses basic programming concepts and key Data Science tools, featuring 400 hours of live online instruction. Having educated over 50,000+ students globally, DataMites provides essential career advice, job placement assistance, and IABAC accreditation. The institute also offers tailored courses like Certified Python Developer, Python with Data Science Course, Data Mining with Python training, Machine Learning with Python training, and Deep Learning with Python training. Additionally, it aids students in obtaining internships and job opportunities that align with industry benchmarks.

DataMites offers methodically structured Python training in Hyderabad, utilizing a three-phase learning approach for efficient education.

Phase1- Pre-Course Self-Study

  • Pre-course self-guided study.

  • Availability of high-quality videos created for easy understanding.

Phase 2 - Interactive Online Instruction

  • This program offers a range of flexible learning options, including online, hybrid, or offline Python courses in Hyderabad. It's also available in key areas of Hyderabad such as Madhapur.

  • In-depth sessions spanning 20 hours weekly over two months.

  • The curriculum is meticulously designed to align with the latest industry requirements.

  • Participate in practical projects to gain hands-on experience with real-world applications.

  • Benefit from two months of professional guidance on your projects.

Phase3- Internship and Job Assistance

  • Engage in 10 detailed capstone projects to gain essential hands-on experience..

  • Work together on a real client project to demonstrate your proficiency in practical work settings.

  • Earn an internship experience certificate to enhance your professional profile.

  • Receive a Certification of Experience.

  • Attain internationally recognized certifications from IABAC and NASSCOM.

  • Sign up for a job-ready program.

DataMites: Certified Python Developer in Hyderabad and Other Professional Courses

DataMites introduces its renowned Certified Python Developer Course in Hyderabad, celebrated as the pinnacle of their educational offerings, and also offers another professional course alongside it.

Certified Python Developer Course:

DataMites offers its distinguished Certified Python Developer course, a leading educational program in the area. This extensive course provides thorough training in Python programming, setting students up for success in software development, data science, and similar sectors.

Python with Data Science Course:

The Python with Data Science course at DataMites is specially designed to teach the basics of Python programming for data science applications.

Python with Data Mining Course:

DataMites  Python with Data Mining course emphasizes teaching the essential skills for extracting insights from large data sets. Topics include data analysis, pattern detection, and practical use of Python libraries like Pandas and Scikit-learn.

Machine Learning with Python Course:

The Machine Learning with Python course at DataMites offers a comprehensive introduction to machine learning concepts. The course covers supervised and unsupervised learning, algorithm choices, and hands-on training with Python libraries such as TensorFlow and Keras.

Deep Learning with Python Course: This course focuses on the advanced field of deep learning using Python. It covers neural networks, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, and the fundamentals of training deep learning models.

DataMites Data Analytics Syllabus 

Syllabus for Python Course

The DataMites® Certified Python Developer Course Bundle is tailored for beginners in Python, offering the foundational skills required to begin a career as Python Developers. This comprehensive package encompasses all critical elements of Python programming and includes an internship as well as active project collaboration with an IT firm.

Python Foundation

Module 1- Python Basics

Module 2- Python Control Statements

Module 3- Python Data Structure

Module 4- Python Functions

Module 5- Python Numpy Packages

Module 6- Python Pandas Packages

Advanced Python

Module 1-Pythos OOPS Basics

Module 2-Python Film Management

Module3- Python Exception Handling

Module 4- Application Program Interface

Module 5- Flask Application Deployment

Module 6- Python Project

DataMites Python Course Tools 

DataMites Python Course Tools are carefully designed to improve the learning process and facilitate practical usage. The tools include an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python coding and testing, access to essential Python libraries and frameworks for activities such as data analysis and machine learning, and interactive modules for hands-on experience.

  1. Flask

  2. NumPy

  3. Pandas

  4. Anaconda

  5. Python

  6. PyCharm

  7. Google Colab

Why DataMites for Python course in Hyderabad?

The Python training in Hyderabad offered by DataMites covers crucial elements like:

Expert Guidance with Ashok Veda as Lead Mentor: Under the leadership of Ashok Veda, an experienced industry professional, our Python training program offers expert guidance. Our instructors are highly skilled, providing a well-rounded learning experience.

Career Support and Referrals: We provide dedicated career support and assistance through our Placement Assistance Team (PAT) to help you kickstart your Python career with job placements and valuable referrals.

Internationally Recognized Certification: Upon completing the course, you'll earn an internationally recognized IABAC certification, which validates your Python skills and enhances your professional reputation.

Tailored Resume Building Aid: You'll receive personalized assistance in creating a compelling resume that highlights your Python proficiency, increasing your marketability in your job search.

Flexible Learning Options: We offer flexible learning options, including online, blended, or offline Python courses in Hyderabad, designed to accommodate your schedule and learning preferences.

Real-world Project Experience: You'll have the opportunity to apply your Python knowledge to real-world scenarios by participating in live client projects and internships, gaining valuable hands-on experience.

Internship Opportunities: Explore internship opportunities that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, further enhancing your skills.

DataMites Learning Community: Join the DataMites Learning Community, an exclusive network of Python enthusiasts, to foster collaboration, networking, and ongoing support.

Accessible Pricing and Scholarship Opportunities: We offer accessible pricing and scholarship opportunities to ensure that high-quality Python training is available to a diverse range of learners.

Comprehensive Course Curriculum: Our comprehensive course curriculum covers a wide range of Python concepts, from foundational principles to advanced topics like Numpy, Pandas, SKLearn, Matplotlib, and Data Science Packages, ensuring a thorough and deep understanding of the programming language.

The Importance of Python Training with Internship Opportunities in Hyderabad

Python training with internship opportunities in Hyderabad is crucial for aspiring professionals as it provides hands-on experience, bridging the gap between theory and practice. It enhances skill development and job readiness, making candidates more competitive in the tech industry. Additionally, it helps build a strong professional network and boosts career prospects in Hyderabad's thriving IT sector.

DataMites has forged exclusive collaborations with prominent AI and Data Science firms, offering customized internship chances to its students. These internships serve as valuable platforms for learners to implement their acquired skills in creating impactful data science models for actual business situations. Throughout these internships, DataMites' dedicated team of experts and mentors provide priceless assistance and backing, enhancing the students practical learning experience.

The admission process for DataMites internships consists of several crucial phases:










The Importance of Python Training with Placement in Hyderabad

Python training with job placement assistance in Hyderabad is highly valuable as it equips learners with practical skills and enhances their employability in the thriving IT industry of the city. It bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for successful careers. Additionally, it provides opportunities for networking and growth in Hyderabad's tech ecosystem.

DataMites offers Python courses in Hyderabad with a strong emphasis on job placement, leveraging its extensive industry network to assist graduates in securing employment opportunities. DataMites "Job Ready Program" includes comprehensive job support, with the Placement Assistance Team (PAT) providing students with essential guidance to smoothly transition into the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Hyderabad, known as the "City of Pearls," is a dynamic and culturally rich city in India. It boasts a unique blend of modern infrastructure and historical heritage, with landmarks like the Charminar and Golconda Fort.

The IT industry in Hyderabad has experienced remarkable growth, attracting major tech companies and startups. Hyderabad is recognized as a prominent IT hub in India, offering a thriving ecosystem for technology innovation, software development, and IT services.

Hyderabad hosts a multitude of IT companies, including giants like Infosys, TCS, and Tech Mahindra, all actively seeking Python developers to enhance their software and data-driven projects.

Python developer job in Hyderabad offers opportunities to work on cutting-edge projects, from web development and data analysis to machine learning and artificial intelligence, making it a sought-after role in the city's thriving IT industry.

Python offers an appealing career trajectory for emerging programmers and data analysts, offering a multitude of employment opportunities and competitive salary packages. Its versatility and broad adoption in the tech industry contribute to these advantages. Moreover, the salary of a Python developer in Hyderabad ranges from INR 6,29,019 per year according to a Glassdoor report.

Begin your Python training in Hyderabad by joining the DataMites Institute. Our program is meticulously designed to equip you with the necessary skills to excel in the ever-changing Python landscape. Join DataMites today and become a participant in the Python revolution, gaining access to a wide array of courses, including Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Tableau, Data Analytics, MLOps, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Engineer.


Python is a programming language that is widely used to produce websites and applications, manage operations, and undertake data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language of programming, which implies it can be used to create a variety of applications and isn't tailored for any specific issue.

Being a general-purpose language Python is used to develop a broad array of applications and isn't customized for any specific problem.

It was Guido van Rossum who was a dutch programmer who introduced Python.

Guido van Rossum invented it in 1991, and the Python Software Foundation developed it. Its syntax lets programmers express concepts in fewer lines of code, and it was primarily built with code readability in mind. History was about to be written in the late 1980s.

Guido van Rossum was reading the published scripts from "Monty Python's Flying Circus," a BBC comedy series from the 1970s, while he began to implement Python. Van Rossum needed a name for his language that was short, unusual, and a little mysterious, so he came up with Python.

Python outperforms C++ in terms of ease of use and syntax. However, C++ is superior in terms of performance, speed, and application scope. Every programming language is built on the foundation of C and C++. Python is based on C and was created with web programming in mind.

Python is a powerful query and interpreted language, whilst Java is inscribed and compiled. Java is quicker at runtime and simpler to troubleshoot from this one difference, Python is easier to use and read.

Because most modern operating systems are written in C, modern high-level language compilers and interpreters are also written in C. Python is no exception; the most widely used "traditional" implementation is Python, which is written in C.

The first and most significant reason for Python's appeal is that it is extremely productive as compared to other programming languages such as C++ and Java. Python is also recognized for its faster and easier programming syntax, code readability, and English-like commands, which together make coding in Python a lot simpler and more convenient.

  • It is clear to comprehend, learn, and write. Python is a high-level programming language with syntax that is similar to English.

  • Productivity Increases

  • Dynamically Typed Interpreted Language

  • Open-Source and Free Software

  • Countless Libraries Support

  • Slow Speed

Python is usually regarded as one of the easiest programming languages to learn, yet it is also one of the most difficult to master. Anyone who works hard enough can learn Python, but becoming a Python Developer will take a lot of practice and patience.

  • Web Developer

  • Python Developer

  • Software Engineer

  • Data Analyst

  • Data Scientist

  • Machine Learning Engineer

The best part about Python is that it does not require any prior knowledge. This tool suite may be learned and mastered without any technical or programming knowledge. This is the main reason why so many individuals want to learn Tableau in order to advance in their careers.

Python course fees will vary according to the level of training you are looking for. However, when we discuss the fee structure, whether you choose any training provider for your Python classroom training ranges from 5000 INR to 4,00,103 INR.

Skills such as data analysis, statistical knowledge, data storytelling, communication and problem-solving will be beneficial for learning data science.

As per, The average salary for a Python Developer is 4,45,359 INR.

A valuable Python certificate is a potent weapon in the fight for better job opportunities, superior knowledge, and increased competitiveness. Certification can lead to a better job and higher pay. It's a fantastic motivator for self-improvement and growth.

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66% of data scientists proclaimed in 2018 that they used Python every single day, making Python the number one language for data science. To successfully undertake data science work, having knowledge and expertise in Python or any other programming language is mandatory.

The duration of Python Training at DataMites will vary according to the specialization you choose. The training usually lasts for 2 to 3 months. Training sessions are imparted on weekdays and weekends. You can choose any as per your availability.

The duration of our Python Developer Course is 3 months whereas that of all other specialization courses are 2 months. 

Python being a popular programming language is a highly sought after field of study that assures highly lucrative salary packages. Aspirants can enrol at Datamites for Python Course, we provide in-depth training for your further career.

The Python programming course is available to all students. Students from any discipline can attend Python courses, even if they are graduates, postgraduates, or 12th graders. The Python program is strongly focused on teaching students the principles of the language.

  • Python is a hugely useful programming language as it's applied in cutting-edge disciplines like machine learning and artificial intelligence.

  • Python is a simple, easy-to-learn programming language.

  • Data science is likely to be the hottest professional field in 2020, and Python is on board.

  • Python programming can be used on a variety of platforms and for a variety of purposes.

  • Python has become more in demand in the world of work. Python goes into deep learning.

The Certified Python Developer course focuses on educating Python from the get-go. With the introductory lessons, you will quickly and effectively progress from a complete novice to an incredibly high level. 

Python for Data Science makes it clear why Data Science and Python are best friends. The course deals with basic data importing, data munging, and coding machine learning algorithms, and other programming concepts.

Python is the most abundantly used artificial intelligence and machine learning programming language. Our program is intended to inform you how to deploy Python proactively in the context of artificial intelligence.

Python has a number of packages for basic data analysis and machine learning. Understanding Python's reputation as the most famous scripting language for developers, as well as understanding how to create and programme Python programmes, is an essential element of our Python for Machine Learning curriculum.

Deep Learning with Python is a Python-based introduction to deep learning. Python is a computer language that may be used to develop a variety of applications. It's a popular choice among developers for projects involving AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

  • Datamites™ is the global institute for data science accredited by the International Association of Business Analytics Certification (IABAC).

  • We have more than 25,000 students enrolled in the courses we offer.

  • We provide a three-step learning method. In Phase 1, self-study videos and books will be provided to the candidates to help them get adequate knowledge about the syllabus. Phase 2 is the primary phase of intensive live online training. And in the third phase, we will release the projects and placements.

  • The entire training includes real-world projects and highly valuable case studies.

  • After the training, you will receive the IABAC certification which is a global certification.

  • After completing your training, you will get the chance to do an internship with AI company Rubix, a global technology company.

The fees for the Python Course in Hyderabad will range from Rs.9900 INR to Rs.33,900 INR depending on the course and mode of training you choose.

Certified Python Developer Course Fee is as follows:

Live Virtual - 

India -  21,000 INR 

          Discounted Price - 9,900 INR

Blended - 

India - 13,000 INR 

          Discounted Price - 5,900 INR

Classroom - 

India - 26,000 INR 

          Discounted Price - 15,900 INR

Datamites does provide classroom training but only in Bangalore. We would be pleased to host one in other locations, ON-DEMAND of the applicants as according to the availability of other candidates from the exact location.

We are determined to provide you with trainers who are certified and highly qualified with decades of experience in the industry and well versed in the subject matter.

We offer you flexible learning options ranging from live online, self-learning methods to classroom training. You can choose as per your liking. 

Our Flexi-Pass for Python training will allow you to attend sessions from Datamites for a period of 3 months related to any query or revision you wish to clear.

We will issue you an IABAC® certification that provides global recognition of relevant skills.

Of course, after your course is completed, we will issue you a Course Completion Certificate.

Yes. Photo ID proofs like a National ID card, Driving license etc. are needed for issuing the participation certificate and booking the certification exam as required.

You don't need to worry about it. Just get in touch with your instructors regarding the same and schedule a class as per your schedule.

In the case of online training, each session will be recorded and uploaded so that you can easily learn what you missed at your own pace and comfort.

Yes, a free demo class will be provided to you to give you a brief idea of ??how the training will be done and what will be involved in the training.

Yes, we have a dedicated Placement Assistance Team (PAT) who will provide you with placement facilities after the completion of the course.

Learning Through Case Study Approach

Theory → Hands-on → Case Study → Project → Model Deployment

Yes, of course, it is important that you make the most of your training sessions. You can of course ask for a support session if you need any further clarification.

We accept payment through;

  • Cash

  • Net Banking

  • Check

  • Debit Card

  • Credit Card

  • PayPal

  • Visa

  • Master card

  • American Express

The DataMites Placement Assistance Team(PAT) facilitates the aspirants in taking all the necessary steps in starting their career in Data Science. Some of the services provided by PAT are: -

  • 1. Job connect
  • 2. Resume Building
  • 3. Mock interview with industry experts
  • 4. Interview questions

The DataMites Placement Assistance Team(PAT) conducts sessions on career mentoring for the aspirants with a view of helping them realize the purpose they have to serve when they step into the corporate world. The students are guided by industry experts about the various possibilities in the Data Science career, this will help the aspirants to draw a clear picture of the career options available. Also, they will be made knowledgeable about the various obstacles they are likely to face as a fresher in the field, and how they can tackle.

No, PAT does not promise a job, but it helps the aspirants to build the required potential needed in landing a career. The aspirants can capitalize on the acquired skills, in the long run, to a successful career in Data Science.

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