Phyton Course Features



Live Virtual

Instructor Led Live Online


  • DMC Certification
  • 4-Month | 400 Learning Hours
  • 20-Hour Live Online Training
  • 10 Capstone & 1 Client Project
  • 365 Days Flexi Pass + Cloud Lab
  • Internship + Job Assistance

Blended Learning

Self Learning + Live Mentoring


  • Self Learning + Live Mentoring
  • DMC Certification
  • 1 Year Access To Elearning
  • 10 Capstone & 1 Client Project
  • Job Assistance
  • 24*7 Learner assistance and support


In - Person Classroom Training


  • DMC Certification
  • 4-Month | 400 Learning Hours
  • 60-Hour Classroom Sessions
  • 10 Capstone & 1 Client Project
  • Cloud Lab Access
  • Internship + Job Assistance


Enquire Now



The entire training includes real-world projects and highly valuable case studies.

IABAC® certification provides global recognition of the relevant skills, thereby opening opportunities across the world.

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Why DataMites Infographic


• Introduction of python
• Installation of Python and IDE
• Python Variables
• Python basic data types
• Number & Booleans, strings
• Arithmetic Operators
• Comparison Operators
• Assignment Operators

• IF Conditional statement
• Python Loops basics
• WHILE Statement
• FOR statements
• BREAK and CONTINUE statements

• Basic data structure in python
• Basics of List
• List: Object, methods
• Tuple: Object, methods
• Sets: Object, methods
• Dictionary: Object, methods

• Functions basics
• Function Parameter passing
• Lambda functions
• Map, reduce, filter functions

• Decorators
• Generators
• Context Managers
• Metaclasses
• Inheritance and Polymorphism
• Encapsulation and Abstraction
• Class methods and static methods
• Special (magic/dunder) methods
• Property decorators - getters, setters, and deletes

• Working with files
• Reading and writing files
• Buffered read and write
• Other file methods
• Logging & Debugger
• Modules and import statements

• SQL Basics 
• Creating DB Table
• Introduction to MongoDB
• CRUD operations in MongoDB

• namedtuple(), deque, ChainMap,
• Counter, OrderedDict, defaultdict,
• UserDict, UserList, UserString

• Exceptions handling with try-except
• Custom exception handling
• List of general use exception
• Best practice exception handling

• Generators, Iterators
• The Functions any and all
• With Statement
• Data Compression

• A Daytime Server
• Clients and Servers
• The Client and Server Programs

• Classes and Threads
• Multi-threading; thread life cycle

• Regular Expression Syntax
• Group, Split and wildcards
• Quantifiers
• Match, Search and Find all methods
• Character Sequence

• Introduction to OpenCV, Installation
• Basic Operations on Images
• Image Filtering
• Image Classification

• Introduction to GIT
• Basic Git commands

• Introduction to Flask and Installation
• Creating project
• Routing,templates, forms and database integration
• Deployment on render

• Django Introduction and Installation
• Creating a Project
• Django Architecture and File Structure
• Folder Structure, First Django project
• Database and Views, Static Files and Forms
• URL Mapping and Routing

 • Defining Models and Relationships
 • Database Migrations and Schema Changes
 • Querying Data using Django ORM
 • Model Forms and Form Validation

 • HTML Forms in Django
 • Model Forms and Form Validation
 • Formsets and Inline Formsets
 • File Uploads and Validation

 • Deploying Django Applications
 • Hosting Options (e.g., Heroku, AWS)
 • Project Showcasing and Review




Python Programming has lately risen to prominence as one of the world's most popular programming languages. Machine learning, website creation, and software testing are just a few of the uses. It is excellent for both programmers as well as non-programmers.

“Python is an experiment in how much freedom programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read another’s code; too little and expressiveness is endangered.”

    -Guido van Rossum

Python is a versatile and widely used programming language, making a Python course an essential investment for aspiring programmers. With its simple syntax and extensive libraries, Python enables developers to build a wide range of applications, from web development to data analysis and artificial intelligence. Learning Python equips individuals with valuable skills in high demand across various industries. Its readability and beginner-friendly nature make it an excellent choice for beginners, while its power and flexibility make it indispensable for seasoned developers.Python is a great programming language for both freshers and experienced programmers who have worked with other languages like C++ and Java.

What If I Told You..

As reported by, The national average pay for a Python Developer is INR 3,88,434 per year in India. A Python Developer's average annual pay in Ahmedabad is 3,99,841 INR per annum. Python training can assist you in becoming a major success in the data science field!

For beginners and experts, the Python language is fairly simple to grasp. Python is one of the most approachable programming languages since it employs a common vocabulary and isn't extremely complex, enabling plain English to shine. Python scripts are simpler to learn and use than other programming languages, making them easier to write and complete.

According to Python statistics 2020, the world's Python developers number 8.2 million. 7.6 million programmers work with Java.

We provide Python Courses with both Online Python Training and classroom training that would be imparted within a three-phase learning method. 

Phase 1 = It’s time to get prepared for the course to come, candidates would be provided with self-study videos and books of high quality to enable an excellent grasp of the curriculum as a whole.

Phase 2 = The primary stage of Live Intensive training along with hands-on capstone projects and after the training, you will receive IABAC Python  Certification, a global certification. 

Phase 3 = Projects, Internships and Job ready Program.

Courses Offered in Python 

    1.Certified Python Developer - Full Stack Developer

Certified Python Developer is also called the Full-Stack Python Developer course focuses on educating Python from the get-go. With the introductory lessons, you will quickly and effectively progress from a complete novice to an incredibly high level. Candidates will accomplish the functional prowess of Python for Data Science, which is on call in today's job market. The duration of Full-Stack Python Developer Training will be a period of 3 months.

    2.Python for Data Science 

Candidates with and without programming experience are welcome to take the "Python for Data Science" course. Basic data importing, data munging, and coding machine learning algorithms, and other programming concepts, are explored in this course. The section comprises a Python Data Science challenges kit, which makes it possible for applicants to cultivate practical knowledge of Python for Data Science, which is a long-coveted skill in today's Data Science career path. DataMites' certificates are IABAC (International Association of Business and Analytics Certification) licensed, which implies they are universally accepted.  DataMites provide Python for Data Science training for 2 months.

    3.Python for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are the hottest topics in the IT business (ML). Artificial Intelligence has made great strides beyond science fiction. It became a mandate. Forecasts and insights backed through artificial intelligence optimize quality of work life, reduce costs, and spur growth. Python is the most abundantly used artificial intelligence and machine learning programming language. Our program is intended to inform you how to deploy Python proactively in the context of artificial intelligence.Python for Artificial Intelligence Training will take place over the course of 2 months.

    4.Python for Machine Learning

Python, as a full-featured computer language, is an ideal choice for improving algorithms for production deployment. Python has a number of packages for basic data analysis and machine learning. Python is a programming language that is well-suited to machine learning. Because it's so simple to understand, data validation is quick and error-free. Understanding Python's reputation as the most famous scripting language for developers, as well as understanding how to create and programme Python programmes, is an essential element of our Python for Machine Learning curriculum.  DataMites Python for Machine Learning Training will last for 2 months.

    5.Python for Deep Learning 

Deep learning is the machine learning method that underlies some of the most interesting capabilities in fields such as robotics, natural language processing, picture identification, and artificial intelligence. Deep Learning with Python is a Python-based introduction to deep learning. Python is a computer language that may be used to develop a variety of applications. It's a popular choice among developers for projects involving AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Our Python for Deep Learning training will take place over the course of 2 months.

Ahmedabad, known colloquially as Amdavad, is the historic capital of Gujarat and one of India's largest cities. On the banks of the Sabarmati River, this city of recognized tourist attractions is known for its world-famous cotton textiles, a wide variety of mouth-watering foods, diamond cutting, and much more. Ahmedabad has evolved into a major industrial and commercial centre in India.

Data science? Machine Learning? Artificial Intelligence? Python? What is all this about? DataMites renders training in excellence at budget. DataMites courses are distinctively formulated by being mindful of the industry demands. We are accredited by the International body of IABAC -  International Association of Business Analytics Certification. Our primary goal is to educate and nurture professionals capable of mastering the field of Data. Investing in DataMites training is without a doubt the smartest decision you can make.

Datamites provide cost-effective, high-quality, real-time training courses to freshmen, software professionals, or analytic interested candidates. In this era of Technological outburst, it is indeed inevitable to have ample knowledge and skills to operate the growing technology. Technology ushers the way. We have the means to master the field by being well versed in this field. 

Datamites offers flexible learning options starting from Exclusive Python Classroom Courses, Online Python Courses to Exceptional Recorded Sessions. DataMites Python Course Fee ranges from 9900 INR to 33900 INR as per your preferred choice of learning. You can always check in on your desired course and find out the course fee for the same.

DataMites Highlights:

  • Global Recognition - IABAC Accreditation

  • Expert Training - Elite Faculty with relevant research and coaching experience

  • Comprehensive Training 

  • Real-time Projects and Internships

  • 100% Job Ready Assistance

Python skills can help you make a lot of money. Python, which today reigns dominant in the programming and data science fields, promises astronomically high income and a meteoric surge in popularity. Python engineers, developers, and programmers make some of the best salaries in the country.

Getting DataMites training is positively the best decision you can make!

DataMites also provides data scienceartificial intelligence and machine learning course in Ahmedabad.


Python is a programming language that is widely used to produce websites and applications, manage operations, and undertake data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language of programming, which implies it can be used to create a variety of applications and isn't tailored for any specific issue.

Being a general-purpose language Python is used to develop a broad array of applications and isn't customized for any specific problem.

It was Guido van Rossum who was a dutch programmer who introduced Python.

Guido van Rossum invented it in 1991, and the Python Software Foundation developed it. Its syntax lets programmers express concepts in fewer lines of code, and it was primarily built with code readability in mind. History was about to be written in the late 1980s.

Guido van Rossum was reading the published scripts from "Monty Python's Flying Circus," a BBC comedy series from the 1970s, while he began to implement Python. Van Rossum needed a name for his language that was short, unusual, and a little mysterious, so he came up with Python.

Python outperforms C++ in terms of ease of use and syntax. However, C++ is superior in terms of performance, speed, and application scope. Every programming language is built on the foundation of C and C++. Python is based on C and was created with web programming in mind.

Python is a powerful query and interpreted language, whilst Java is inscribed and compiled. Java is quicker at runtime and simpler to troubleshoot from this one difference, Python is easier to use and read.

Because most modern operating systems are written in C, modern high-level language compilers and interpreters are also written in C. Python is no exception; the most widely used "traditional" implementation is Python, which is written in C.

The first and most significant reason for Python's appeal is that it is extremely productive as compared to other programming languages such as C++ and Java. Python is also recognized for its faster and easier programming syntax, code readability, and English-like commands, which together make coding in Python a lot simpler and more convenient.

  • It is clear to comprehend, learn, and write. Python is a high-level programming language with syntax that is similar to English.

  • Productivity Increases

  • Dynamically Typed Interpreted Language

  • Open-Source and Free Software

  • Countless Libraries Support

  • Slow Speed

Python is usually regarded as one of the easiest programming languages to learn, yet it is also one of the most difficult to master. Anyone who works hard enough can learn Python, but becoming a Python Developer will take a lot of practice and patience.

  • Web Developer

  • Python Developer

  • Software Engineer

  • Data Analyst

  • Data Scientist

  • Machine Learning Engineer

The best part about Python is that it does not require any prior knowledge. This tool suite may be learned and mastered without any technical or programming knowledge. This is the main reason why so many individuals want to learn Tableau in order to advance in their careers.

Python course fees will vary according to the level of training you are looking for. However, when we discuss the fee structure, whether you choose any training provider for your Python classroom training ranges from 5000 INR to 4,00,103 INR.

Skills such as data analysis, statistical knowledge, data storytelling, communication and problem-solving will be beneficial for learning data science.

As per, The average salary for a Python Developer in Ahmedabad is 3,99,841 INR.

A valuable Python certificate is a potent weapon in the fight for better job opportunities, superior knowledge, and increased competitiveness. Certification can lead to a better job and higher pay. It's a fantastic motivator for self-improvement and growth.

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66% of data scientists proclaimed in 2018 that they used Python every single day, making Python the number one language for data science. To successfully undertake data science work, having knowledge and expertise in Python or any other programming language is mandatory.

The duration of Python Training at DataMites will vary according to the specialization you choose. The training usually lasts for 2 to 3 months. Training sessions are imparted on weekdays and weekends. You can choose any as per your availability.

The duration of our Python Developer Course is 3 months whereas that of all other specialization courses are 2 months.

Python being a popular programming language is a highly sought after field of study that assures highly lucrative salary packages. Aspirants can enrol at Datamites for Python Course, we provide in-depth training for your further career.

The Python programming course is available to all students. Students from any discipline can attend Python courses, even if they are graduates, postgraduates, or 12th graders. The Python program is strongly focused on teaching students the principles of the language.

  • Python is a hugely useful programming language as it's applied in cutting-edge disciplines like machine learning and artificial intelligence.

  • Python is a simple, easy-to-learn programming language.

  • Data science is likely to be the hottest professional field in 2020, and Python is on board.

  • Python programming can be used on a variety of platforms and for a variety of purposes.

  • Python has become more in demand in the world of work. Python goes into deep learning.

The Certified Python Developer course focuses on educating Python from the get-go. With the introductory lessons, you will quickly and effectively progress from a complete novice to an incredibly high level.

Python for Data Science makes it clear why Data Science and Python are best friends. The course deals with basic data importing, data munging, and coding machine learning algorithms, and other programming concepts.

Python is the most abundantly used artificial intelligence and machine learning programming language. Our program is intended to inform you how to deploy Python proactively in the context of artificial intelligence.

Python has a number of packages for basic data analysis and machine learning. Understanding Python's reputation as the most famous scripting language for developers, as well as understanding how to create and programme Python programmes, is an essential element of our Python for Machine Learning curriculum.

Deep Learning with Python is a Python-based introduction to deep learning. Python is a computer language that may be used to develop a variety of applications. It's a popular choice among developers for projects involving AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.

  • Datamites™ is the global institute for data science accredited by the International Association of Business Analytics Certification (IABAC).

  • We have more than 25,000 students enrolled in the courses we offer.

  • We provide a three-step learning method. In Phase 1, self-study videos and books will be provided to the candidates to help them get adequate knowledge about the syllabus. Phase 2 is the primary phase of intensive live online training. And in the third phase, we will release the projects and placements.

  • The entire training includes real-world projects and highly valuable case studies.

  • After the training, you will receive the IABAC certification which is a global certification.

  • After completing your training, you will get the chance to do an internship with AI company Rubix, a global technology company.

The fees for the Python Course in Ahmedabad will range from Rs.9900 INR to Rs.33,900 INR depending on the course and mode of training you choose.

Certified Python Developer Course Fee is as follows:

Live Virtual - 

India -  21,000 INR 

          Discounted Price - 9,900 INR

Blended - 

India - 13,000 INR 

          Discounted Price - 5,900 INR

Classroom - 

India - 26,000 INR 

          Discounted Price - 15,900 INR

Datamites does provide classroom training but only in Bangalore. We would be pleased to host one in other locations, ON-DEMAND of the applicants as according to the availability of other candidates from the exact location.

We are determined to provide you with trainers who are certified and highly qualified with decades of experience in the industry and well versed in the subject matter.

We offer you flexible learning options ranging from live online, self-learning methods to classroom training. You can choose as per your liking.

Our Flexi-Pass for Python training will allow you to attend sessions from Datamites for a period of 3 months related to any query or revision you wish to clear.

We will issue you an IABAC® certification that provides global recognition of relevant skills.

Of course, after your course is completed, we will issue you a Course Completion Certificate.

Yes. Photo ID proofs like a National ID card, Driving license etc. are needed for issuing the participation certificate and booking the certification exam as required.

You don't need to worry about it. Just get in touch with your instructors regarding the same and schedule a class as per your schedule.

In the case of online training, each session will be recorded and uploaded so that you can easily learn what you missed at your own pace and comfort.

Yes, a free demo class will be provided to you to give you a brief idea of ??how the training will be done and what will be involved in the training.

Yes, we have a dedicated Placement Assistance Team (PAT) who will provide you with placement facilities after the completion of the course.

Learning Through Case Study Approach

Theory → Hands-on → Case Study → Project → Model Deployment

Yes, of course, it is important that you make the most of your training sessions. You can of course ask for a support session if you need any further clarification.

We accept payment through;

  • Cash

  • Net Banking

  • Check

  • Debit Card

  • Credit Card

  • PayPal

  • Visa

  • Master card

  • American Express

The DataMites Placement Assistance Team(PAT) facilitates the aspirants in taking all the necessary steps in starting their career in Data Science. Some of the services provided by PAT are: -

  • 1. Job connect
  • 2. Resume Building
  • 3. Mock interview with industry experts
  • 4. Interview questions

The DataMites Placement Assistance Team(PAT) conducts sessions on career mentoring for the aspirants with a view of helping them realize the purpose they have to serve when they step into the corporate world. The students are guided by industry experts about the various possibilities in the Data Science career, this will help the aspirants to draw a clear picture of the career options available. Also, they will be made knowledgeable about the various obstacles they are likely to face as a fresher in the field, and how they can tackle.

No, PAT does not promise a job, but it helps the aspirants to build the required potential needed in landing a career. The aspirants can capitalize on the acquired skills, in the long run, to a successful career in Data Science.

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